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Version: 2.301.0

Create Application Registration

EasyLife 365 applications are accessible via the Microsoft identity platform and offer various scopes that client applications can utilize. These scopes enable authorized users and client apps to access EasyLife 365 Collaboration API endpoints based on permissions.

To utilize an API, we'll first register a client app, grant it access to the EasyLife 365 Collaboration application, and authorize the necessary scopes. By specifying EasyLife 365 Collaboration application API scopes during the registration of your client app, you enable the client app to acquire an access token containing those scopes from the Microsoft identity platform.

Register a Client App

New Registration

  1. Log in to the Entra ID Portal and navigate to the App registrations blade. Select New registration.
  2. Provide a display Name for your application, which will be visible to users of your application, and create the application.

Once the registration is complete, the Microsoft Entra admin center will display the app registration's Overview pane. Make a note of the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID as these will be necessary for authenticating your PowerShell scripts.


  1. Navigate to the Authentication settings.
  2. Enable the Allow public client flows setting.


Now, let's configure the API permissions for this application and grant access to specific scopes.

  1. Go to the API Permissions settings.
  2. Select the Add a permission option, which will launch the Request API permissions wizard.
  3. Switch to the APIs my organization uses section.
  4. Use the search box to filter for EasyLife to display the EasyLife applications registered in your tenant (EasyLife 365 or EasyLife 365 Admin).
  5. Select the desired application to view the available scopes.
  6. Choose the required scopes. Note that some scopes may require Admin consent.